Wednesday, January 2, 2013


A little bit about me

My name is Tim Sullivan. I love World of Warcraft. I also love MMORPGs in general. Above and beyond my love for gaming is my love for building tools and communities for gamers. I was the original founding CEO / Owner Partner of, in addition to several other WoW communities.
Ever since 2009, my goal in creating Pwnboxer is to create the ultimate multiboxing software. Easy to use. Extremely featureful. 100% Legit. Works on all PCs, even slower ones!
I’m not only the owner, but I’m also a customer. I multibox all the time!
Feel free to drop on by and say hello on Frostmourne-US Oceanic (Alliance). I am currently multiboxing 5x Paladins, with my lead one named Timholya!

Blizzard Forums – Multiboxing is Legit!

Pwnboxer is a fully legal software. In fact, Blizzard officially recognizes multiboxing as a legitimate style of gameplay and fully endorses it as a valuable and fun way of playing World of Warcraft.

Blizzard Game Master’s state Multiboxing is AOK!

Once again, Blizzard’s GM stating that multiboxing is fully acceptable in World of Warcraft. Isn’t it about time we went to town and punted a few Gnomes?

Turn this…

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